UW Medicine Service Learning Volunteer Catalog
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Our service-learning projects build off community strengths and address community identified needs. We tend to think of our service-learning projects as falling into one of four categories.


The role of volunteer providers in our clinical projects is to supervise the healthcare that our students provide. This care may range from screening for health conditions with subsequent facilitated referrals for definitive care, to actually seeing patients for medical problems and diagnosing and providing treatment for those problems. The care provided should not be outside the scope of your individual practice.

Health Education

At these events, students work under your supervision to pass on their burgeoning knowledge of health and health care to community groups. Your role in these projects is often to vet educational materials for accuracy and to be certain they are presented at an appropriate health literacy level.


These projects form connections between our students and their younger underrepresented peers with the goal of enabling those students imagine themselves as future health professionals. A major role of volunteer providers in these projects is to help our students maintain appropriate boundaries with the younger students and to facilitate reflective activities on a regular basis


Advocacy projects enhance our understanding of root causes of health disparities. They also develop skills around listening, power analysis, research, and relational development that help students to build power with communities to bring about health equity.